August, 2020

August, 2020

Though it breaks my heart not to be able to be back in ‘the other land that I love’, I am delighted to report that Love From Above has kept up it’s ministry in Romania – and on so many levels.  We have continued to supply all the meds for Albina and Barza Mica orphanages – provide Barza with all their food needs – and also, provide our church folks with food – and rent for five or six families.

The Corona Virus is on the rise again in RO at an alarming rate.  People refuse to abide by the rules, so it is spreading  rapidly.

I am pleased to announce that none of the babies or our ‘kids’ have contracted COVID-19.  Please pray with me that these precious little souls will stay as healthy as possible.  I am able to stay connected to the ‘kids’ at Barza through the director, or Corina who works with the ministry.

My dear ‘old Ana’s’ roof finally collapsed.  Ovi is trying to find a solution for her living arrangements.  Also, her son, Ion who was so abusive to her – and with whom I spent time twice, has had his children taken away by the State.  I am exasperated with him, but from such a distance, I can only pray for him to come to our Jesus.  In the meantime, Ovi is picking up odd jobs to pay for a lawyer to represent Ion.  PLEASE pray for Ovi.  He is overworked to the point of exhaustion!

Ovi’s son, Andrei has had a fairly serious illness.  Ovi didn’t say what it was, but Andrei is doing well on some medication and will go back to the doctor in a few weeks for another evaluation.

This summer is Love From Above’s 20th anniversary!!  Can you believe it?!  My heart so aches to be there and to have celebrated with Team Romania this summer, but it just didn’t happen.  Team USA has planned on having a 20th anniversary celebration this October 10th.  No decision has been made yet on whether it will still be held then, or perhaps at a later date.  I’ll keep you posted.

And you, please, keep this precious ministry in prayer.  Pray that it will keep moving forward to minister to ‘the least of these’.  If you would like to donate to Love From Above, it would be so much appreciated!  You can send a check to Love From Above  – 19 Berry Street  – Norton, MA  02766

‘give, and it will be given to you.  Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into you lap.  For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”  – Luke 6.38