September, 2020

September, 2020

Our world is still upside-down, inside-out, or as my Dad used to say when something in his workshop just wasn’t fitting together right, “ee-yaw”.  Well our world’s new ‘abnormal’ is very ‘ee-yaw’!

The European Union has closed their borders to any countries from the West which means even if I did want to get back to Romania, I couldn’t. People are still contracting COVID-19 at a high rate.

But, there is good news!  As far as I can find out, none of our babies at Albina Orphanage or ‘kids’ at Barza Mica have gotten the ‘virus’.  I’m praising God for that.

Love From Above has regularly been able to provide the two orphanages with all the food and meds they need.  And, this past week, we were able to buy all the veggies for Barza for Fall through Spring.  What a blessing that we can do that once again.

Also, we have continued to provide some or our church folks and their families with food – and pay five or six rents.  Only the Lord could provide all of that.  THANK you for being His hands and feet!

I was blessed to take part in a VBS at Plainville Baptist in August.  Such precious little souls to minister to!  One of the ladies from the church even made gogoși (Romanian version of the doughnut) for a snack the day I presented Love From Above in Romania.  Yum!

In spite of our ‘ee-yaw’ world, the Lord continues HIS ministry in Romania.  He is our Jeremiah 29.11!