October, 2020

October, 2020

Love From Above was thrilled in September to have been able to send all the funds needed for veggies for this Fall, Winter, and coming Spring to our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica.  THANK all of you who helped in this endeavor!   We also sent Ovi his monthly support for September, money for the new gas line on our church’s street (dusty, dirt road), and also for the gas heating system.  I just tingle with excitement at how the Lord is using our eyes and heart, hands and feet in His work here on earth!

Ovi’s sister’s boss decided he didn’t need the van he was using any longer, and God put it in his heart to give it to Canaan, our church. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!  LFA also paid for the papers and insurance for the van.  THANK you, once again!!

I am praising God, too, that none of our ‘kids’ at Barza have contracted COVID-19!  The director at Albina Orphanage told Corina that our babies have been status quo.  But I hear differently from another source – that some have contracted the ‘virus’ . . .

Canaan had a baptism in September.  Ovi’s daughter, Lorena was one that was baptized.  Praise God!

Old Ana is having problems with water again – AND her roof has caved in – again.  Please pray that the Lord will provide the funds to either repair it, or get her another place to live.

A gentleman from Brasov – and a gentleman from the U.S. have both expressed interest in buying food for Barza Mica.  (THANK You, Lord!!)  Also, a gentleman I met from CO has just sent funds to do repairs on Barza.  The Lord blessed Love From Above to be able to provide all the materials to get the interior of Barza freshly painted.

A precious lady whom I love from the Romanian church in GA just sent boxes of food for Ovi to distribute among our sisters and brothers in Christ at Canaan.  I SO praise God for all those HE brings together to supply our needs!!

And, Ovi continues to check in on my flat in Brasov, pick up my bills – and make sure my car runs a couple of times a week.  He is a blessing beyond words!

“And my God will supply all your (our orphan’s) needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4.19 –