May, 2021
My heart is still overflowing with JOY concerning the Matching Fund for ‘Project Upstairs’ in February and March. Work is progressing on the upstairs – and with God’s help, it will be completed so that there will be no more threat from the Romanian government of closing the doors to Canaan, our church. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!
Not such pleasant news — Ovi has had covid (also his wife and daughter). Not only were they sick with serious symptoms of the virus but they also had to quarantine for two weeks. During that time, Ovi could neither preach or tend to other church needs, nor could he not enter the church to work on the upstairs. It was a difficult time for our young pastor, physically – and knowing that if the work was not completed on the upstairs of Canaan by the end of June, it was an emotionally difficult time. As of this writing, he is working long hours on the project, yet still not nearly feeling 100% well.
Corina has been a blessing in delivering the funds to Barza Mica for meds and food. Her husband who was very ill with covid was able to drive her to the orphanage to see the director. I praise God for the both of them!
After beginning to repair from covid, Ovi also delivered a van load of potatoes to Barza for our precious ‘kids’. A dear fellow from our church assisted Ovi in the delivery. Just to let you know that Love From Above buys all the potatoes in October to get the better price. To buy them now would be cost-prohibitive. The fellow from whom we buy them is more than willing to store them for us.
Again, I am beyond deeply grateful to all of you who so faithfully support Love From Above – month after month – year after year! Without you, there never would have been LFA ‘considering the helpless’ (Ps. 41.1a) in Romania. THANK you!!
Lord willing, I plan to return to Romania the first week of July. Only God knows if this will happen, but that is what I am thinking at this time. I SO want to be in the center of His will, no matter what – but I so desperately miss our babies and ‘kids’ – my church – all my friends – and beautiful Romania, itself.
‘For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.’ – Philippians 2.13