November, 2017

November, 2017

This following is an update from October –

Praising God that I made it safely from Brasov to Norton on my flight home October 4!  It was a little rough over the Atlantic, but otherwise without incident.


Since returning to MA, I have met with the Senior High Youth Group at Faith Alliance in Attleboro to give just a brief update.  What an amazing ‘bunch’ of young people.  Before I could even get started, one of the teen boys asked, “How are our babies doing?”  Not ‘your’ babies, but a teen asking ‘our’ babies!  It brought tears to my eyes to think that teens feel so connected to this ministry, too.

Also, I spoke at Mayflower Congregational Church in Kingston, MA and got to show the 15th anniversary DVD of Love From Above Ministry.  I have known the ladies from the Mayflower Club for many, many years.  They are the precious ones who over the past many years have faithfully sewn the pull-up pants for my orphans, made scarves and mittens out of the left-over material, have supported financially – and so much more.  What a beautiful group of sisters in Christ.   And, my time with the entire church on Sunday morning, October 15, including a wonderful lunch and Q and A time after the service, can only be described as delightful – a real time of joy!


Rejoice with me!  The $10,000 needed to insulate Canaan, our church in Halchiu was sent to Ovi.  Monies had to be borrowed from LFA’s general fund, but it was necessary with winter’s already setting in there.  The work started on October 31.  Praise God!

Also, as I mentioned before, the Romanian government took the money that was to be used for our orphans in the October-December budget.  Thankfully, so far the Lord has given the ministry enough to provide prescription medications, food, and cleaning supplies (both personal and industrial) for the months of October and November.  We will ‘pray in’ the funds for December . . .

I was shocked to learn that Barza Mica is cold.  Our kids are COLD!  – because in the budget of this second-most corrupt government in the world was supposed to be plenty of funds for heating.  PLEASE pray with me that the Lord would supply us enough funds to help them.  If you remember, 5 years ago one of our boys died – froze to death.  This can’t happen again!!

Please ask the Lord how you can be of help with HIS ministry in Romania through Love From Above.  Luke 6.38 says –

“Give, and it will be given to you.  A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”