October, 2017

October, 2017

Update from the month of September –

3000 kg. of potatoes were delivered to Barza Mica, along with 700 kg of carrots and 700 kg of onions.

Nineteen boxes of beautiful clothing arrived from some precious ladies at First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta – and were warmly received at Albina and Barza Mica Orphanages.

Twenty boxes of warm winter clothing arrived from our ladies at Faith Alliance Church in Attleboro, MA – with more hand-made ‘squares’ for our Squares Project. (Click on ‘Projects’, and scroll down to ‘squares’ to see what that is all about!

Even though there were only 15 children present, I had a wonderful time of ministry in the village of Bahnea. We had a wonderful Bible Story (The Lost Sheep) – had sweets, and there was a toy for each child.

Also, enough toys were left with Elisabeth Tompi for each child to receive a present at Christmas time. If you remember, these are the children that couldn’t go to school just a few years ago because they couldn’t afford even one pencil.  And then, when November arrived, they dropped out of school because they had no shoes.  I took them 200 pencils this month, but we need to raise money for shoes for them, once again.

Elisabeta (Robert’s mother) always greets us with a most wonderful meal – all from her tiny farm. Chicken, potatoes, home-made bread, zarcusca (see pic. 1 below) and a salad.  It is Love From Above’s joy to be able to help Elisabeta in a small way.

We had Movie and Popcorn Day at Barza, Ice Cream Day and ‘Mama Dawn Salon Day’ – along with all our other activities.

Recently the Romanian government has budgeted much or the allotted monies for themselves leaving not nearly enough to take care of the orphans. We are praying for wood, food, and meds – the most basic essentials for anyone!   If you can help – THANK you!

Have had much trouble at Albina in Codlea. Very harsh workers – workers quitting, and mistreatment of the babies/kids.  One little girl was transferred from Bucharest with bruises.  Albina is not the place for her to be.  It is one of the worst-case scenarios I have ever seen in the orphanage system.

Things have not gone well with Maria and Andrei at Sercaia, Please pray for these two precious ones to be at peace where they are.

We were excited to get the lighting for Canaan, our new church in Halchiu – AND get them hung!

PLEASE don’t forget that the exterior of Canaan has to be insulated before winter in order not to damage the interior. PLEASE pray if you are to have a part in this amazing church for our Gypsy sisters and brothers in Christ.

Have been blessed to entertain in my home during September – the Tompi’s – my friend, Marghit – Ovi and Carmen – Ioana and Radu, and to visit in the homes of friends, Marga and Bogdan – and Dani and MIruna.

Also, Ioana, Miruna and their Mum and I had a Girl’s Night Out in Old Brasov. (see pic. 2 below) We attended an organ recital at the Biscerica Neagra first, and then strolled down Str. Republicii stopping at Mado’s for tiramisu.  Yum!   As difficult as my work is here in Jud. Brasov, I am so thankful for the wonderful friends the Lord has given to provide me with some balance in my life.

Until next month . . .  

“But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.”   I Samuel 12:24

 Pic. 1 – homemade bread and zarcusca                                    Pic. 2 – Girl’s Night Out!