September, 2017

September, 2017

It has been a wonderful – fruitful – fruitless, at times – joyful – heart-breaking – interesting past month in my beloved Romania.I got to spend an afternoon with my beloved Ioana (who worked with me for six years).  We are the ‘female version’ of Paul and Timothy.  :)  I love being in her presence!  Please pray over this precious young woman who will take her final exam from everything she has studied and learned in her medical studies for the past six years.  The stress is great, as you can imagine.

Two precious ones have passed on from us.  Little Sorin at Albina was 6 months old, but was the size of a new-born.  I don’t know what took his little life, but for the time he was on this earth, he suffered from a serious and rare skin condition.  Though it is always sad to not see a little one anymore, I praise God that he is with our Jesus whole and healthy with no more pain or suffering.

Shockingly, Gabi (Gabriela Tompi) died unexpectedly on August 13 – due to a hospital error!   She was coordinator for Love From Above in the village of Bahnea taking care of the thousands of pounds of clothing LFA has shipped to this desperate village over the past several years.  Without mentioning anything concerning what would become of LFA in Bahnea, Gabi’s brother, Daniel approached me at the funeral telling me that he would be the one helping with our ministry now.  Praise God!!  I had secretly wondered what it would mean for LFA’s ministering in Bahnea – but ‘Before they call, I will answer . . .’  – Isaiah 65.24  — and, ‘for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him’  – Matthew 6.8   How amazing is our great God!

I would ask you to pray for Gabi’s mother, Elisabeta.  This is the third grown-up ‘child’ she has lost.  Also, please pray for Alex, Gabi’s very dear 12 year-old boy.  Gabi was the sister of Robert (of Robert and Alina).

Please pray for Alina!  Her doctor told her that her body was not strong enough for the next round of chemo last week.  Instead, she received a MabThera treatment.  I praise God she has a good appetite.  It was a joy to have Robert and Alina and their two children, Sara and Luca to dinner one Sunday after church.  I had prepared a spaghetti-lasagna with garlic toast, corn and a salad.  And for desert, brownies with tiramisu ice cream.  Robert said, “I think I have just had an American meal!”  For sure!  :)

Took nine of the more abled kids from Barza Mica to the zoo on August 17.  They love the animals – of course!  And, then we went to McDonald’s for lunch.  Happy Meals for all – ending with ice cream.  Fun day!  Not only for them, but for me!!
On August 28, a dear friend, Alex who worked with me for three years many years ago dropped in at Barza Mica with a colleague from work.  They brought lots of sweets, also socks, coloring books and pads for the kids.  We had a great day with Alex translating the story of Peter’s following Jesus for me, and lots of fun games.

August 29, nineteen boxes of beautiful clothing and shoes arrived from some really precious ladies – from First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta in Lawrenceville, GA.  It will be a joy to hand those out to our precious needy ‘kids’ and babies!

Great news!  We were able to buy toilets for Canaan, our new church in Halchiu.  Please pray about helping to provide insulation for the exterior of the church.  If that doesn’t get done before winter, then whatever has been accomplished on the interior will be severely damaged by the brutally cold and snowy weather here in RO.   Two men from the church will do the labor, but the cost of the materials to insulate will be $10,000.  To me, that is an insurmountable figure, but if we all ask the Lord what our part could be in this endeavor, then He WILL provide!
Please continue to pray over Love From Above Ministries – and for me, personally.  The burden can be great at times.