October, 2021 – Addition vs. Submission

October, 2021 – Addition vs. Submission

I have long observed – not judged – but just observed the lifestyle of Christians and where they seem to be comfortable in their walk with Christ.  Some are what I call ‘sold-out-to-Jesus Christ’ Christians.  Some are satisfied with becoming a church officer, Sunday School teacher, musician, take-up-the-offering-person, committee member, etc.  Some are nominal Christians, content with just attending church.  It’s none of my business.  Where they are in a relationship with Christ is between them and Him.  But I find it interesting.  The level of commitment seems to have little to do whether they were raised in a Christian home or not.  I know of converted Muslims, Hindus, atheists, and those from churches that provide little else than to be a social-support system.  Each has found their place in a relationship with Christ.  Most are satisfied where they are – and seem to have no desire to move further – as in ‘outside the box’ Christianity.

I watched a movie recently that concerned a college girl who was raised in a dedicated Christian home, but upon entering a secular university found herself confronted with evolution vs. creationism.  It was at first, daunting for her, then overwhelming, and finally all-consuming.  Her questioning evolved into disbelief in everything she had been taught since childhood.

She eventually was confronted by another student, a strong Christian who had held onto his core-beliefs.  He asked her the question, “Is Jesus, for you, an addition or submission?”  I borrowed that phrase for the title of this article – because it made me think.  Is Jesus, for Christians (for me), just a good thing to add onto everything else in my life – or, is He worthy of our (my) submission?  My church, Faith Alliance in Attleboro, MA uses the phrase ‘Give all, for all, to find and follow Jesus’.  Give all . . .

When my boys were young, I explained to them that this (our lives) is not a rehearsal.  This is it!  We are in the play.  The play is going on.  It is happening right now and we are ‘cast members’.  There are no do-overs – there is not a rehearsal the next day.  This is it!  In stead of being on a stage performing in a school or community play where we would naturally be judged, criticized, lauded or applauded, we are under the careful eye of God.  God, Who has written our ‘play’ for us – Who wants nothing more than for us to allow Him to direct our words, our actions, our commitment to the play – to Him.  As much as a director would want his/her actors to be ‘all in’ in any given play, the One Who created us, sent His Son, Jesus, to die for us wants us ‘all in’ – in the Play of our lives!

Deuteronomy 13:4  – “You shall follow the Lord your God and fear Him; and you shall keep His commandments, listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him.”