December, 2019
God’s blessings were on us during the month of November, as always.
Ovi (our pastor, Ovidiu Starlici) delivered the rest of the 5000kg of potatoes, 2000kg of onions, and 2000kg of carrots to Barza Mica. Praise God! However, I got an urgent message from the director of the orphanage, that our orphans had no food left – as in staples. After I wired the funds, my beautiful translator, Corina, who works along-side me while I’m in Romania, and for me while I’m in the States found out from the director exactly what was needed and along with her husband went to a big-box store and bought hundreds of pounds of flour, oil, eggs, pasta, rice, cheese, beans (and more!).
We have shipped out 35 boxes of warm clothing, shoes, and supplies to the villages of Halchiu, Satu Nou and Bahnea this month. Thank you to the amazing gentleman who helps us with the shipment from MA to MI. And thank-you to Best Trans who ships from MI to RO. They truly are the best!
A dear friend, Adina from the First Romanian Baptist Church in Atlanta who has not forgotten the desperate people from her homeland called me asking what more she could do. Several times she has shipped much needed clothing to us in RO – and also saw to it with help from other ladies at her church – that a family in the village of Satu Nou got a washing machine and a stove. What a blessing to serve along-side this precious woman in meeting the many needs in RO.
Ovi got my poor old 2001 VW Golf sold. Again, praise God! I will be needing a newer one to continue the ministry once I return to Brasov in the winter. Please pray for just the right car for me – and please pray if the Lord would have you have part in helping to get this car.
Also, we will need to provide more staples for Barza Mica in the ensuing months – and meds, monthly, for both Barza and Albina (orphanages). Please pray if the Lord would have you help fund these and many other endeavors for Love From Above.
Delightful news! The ‘wind-beneath-my wings’, ‘my right arm’ for over six years, Ioana (and her husband, Radu) are expecting a baby boy in April. I feel like I am becoming a grandparent (Mammie – or, Bunica in Romanian) again!
I trust you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday – and I pray that your Christmas will be one drawn even closer to Emmanuel (God with us) – JESUS!