November, 2019

November, 2019

The trip is always long and grueling, but I am so very thankful to have made it back to the States from Romania without incident on October 4.  The three months in RO was jam-packed with a lot of accomplishments, much joy – and some sorrow.

In October, Love From Above once again was able to give (Pastor) Ovi monthly support, and also pay the October taxes on Canaan.  We also provided the funds for both prescription and OTC meds for our babies at Albina and ‘kids’ at Barza Mica (orphanages).

Sadly, our little Georgeta didn’t ‘make it’.  I knew when she stopped eating in the summer, and no longer could hold out her hand to be held, that the Lord was truly going to send His angels for her.  Sixteen year-old Georgeta was only about twenty-eight pounds and looked like a holocaust victim.  It’s sad on the one hand, but I rejoice on the other knowing that she is in the presence of our Jesus.

Remember my beautiful Ioana – the wind beneath my wings – who worked with me for six and a half years and is now a doctor?  She is pregnant!  I’m so excited.  I feel like I’m having another grandchild!

Ovi and his wife, Carmen, have been in Arizona for two weeks with an all-expense paid trip to be best man for his very dear friend from childhood.  I can hardly wait to see what they, especially Carmen thought about her time in that beautiful part of our country!

Before Ovi left Romania for AZ, he purchased the van for Canaan.  Thanks to all of you who gave towards the purchase!  We can now pick up children, once again, for Children’s Church on Saturday – bring folks from the next village to church on Sunday morning – and teens to their group on Sunday evening.  I have no words to express my gratitude to you!  These folks didn’t pray for better clothes, enough food, etc. – they just prayed that they would be able to get to church!

My nearly one month back in the States has been spent with much administrative work, catching up with friends and supporters who wanted to be updated, and meetings, galore!  I had my first meeting with Love From Above’s Team USA concerning the 20th Anniversary Celebration of LFA in Romania taking place in October, 2020.  Our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica already began doing some art work in the summer to be displayed at the celebration, and they are so excited to think that people in AMERICA! – will see their work.  I couldn’t be more proud to present it . . .

Lastly, it was with great sadness that I had to see Rhonda Chabot step aside from the ministry.  She has been with LFA for fifteen years, or so – and has a servant’s heart like none other I’ve seen.  I feel lost without her.  It was not her choice to step aside.  I am praising God, though, for Tom McMahon’s willingness to come on board as our new bookkeeper and office manager.  I have known Tom and his wife for years, and as a professional accountant, he will do an amazing job.

Please – if you would like to be involved in Love From Above, let me know.  I can be reached at  – at 508-930-6302  – or, at Love From Above Ministries (or Dawn Mattera) on FaceBook.

From Matthew 20.28 – ‘the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others’