

Have to start with a biggie!!  We prayed all summer for a van to transport children to Children’s Church at Canaan on Saturday, folks to church Sunday morning, and teens to church on Sunday evening. With nothing short of a miracle, all the funds needed for a van were presented to Ovi (Starlici) our pastor on September 29.  The excitement has been great!  We have precious folks who clamor to get to church, yet have not been able to all summer because our old church van finally ‘died’.  My heart is filled with gratitude to many who contributed towards the van – and one benefactor who donated a large sum to complete the cost of the van.  My heart is filled with love, gratitude, appreciation, excitement – and more!!  A van for Canaan was not a ‘want’ – it has been a need – all about ‘souls’, and others so wanting to learn more about our Jesus!

Have had a couple of disappointments in the ministry in September – none more than Rhonda Chabot being forced to step aside from the ministry.  For 15 years, or so, she has been bookkeeper for LFA.  I’m asking you to PLEASE pray for the ministry.  This is critical!  Unless the Lord fills this position, it could well mean the end of Love From Above in Romania.  Anywhere.  Please pray for Rhonda, too.  I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for one with such a servant’s heart.

On the positive side, we have been having such a blessed time with our ‘kids’ from Barza Mica.  We have already started doing some art projects for the 20th Anniversary celebration of LFA (next year).  They are just beside themselves that folks in America (!) will be seeing their art!  We had a wonderful day at a park near where I live.  It was a great outing!  And, then we ended up at McDonald’s sitting outside at the café enjoying everything from burgers to sundaes!

Our babies at Albina are all Severe/Profound.  Some will not last very long, but it is Corina’s and my privilege to hold them, feed them, love on them, sing to them and pray over them.  (Thank You, Jesus, for letting us be Your eyes and heart, hands and feet.)

We received a huge shipment of clothes, shoes and more from the ladies – headed up by Adina Magas – at FRBCA in Lawrenceville, GA.  God bless you ladies – for your hearts for ‘the helpless’ back here in your homeland!  Many a person, child, baby will be warm and comfortable in the brutal winter that lies ahead because of you.  THANK you!

I had a wonderful time on visitation with Ovi and his wife, Carmen in the village of Satu Nou, taking each family a bag of staples.  Also each lady got a bagful of ‘squares’ (48) to make them/their family a beautiful warm afghan.  The conditions these folks live in is beyond sad.  And their lives are all about survival!   Thank God every day for what you have!  Then, ask Him if He would have you share of your abundance with those who have so very little.  (Spoiler alert:  I know the answer to that!)  :)

The Lord has taken me through much on the topic of ‘worship’ this month – to a place where I haven’t been before.  It’s been a difficult journey (which is still much in progress), but one of wonder.  I praise Him!! – that He wants to keep refining me to shape me more and more into His image!

Would love prayer to get healthy.  I am still feeling the aftermath of bronchitis with coughing and weakness.  Also (without the headache), I had three migraine headaches in September.  This is something relatively new for me . . .

Also, would appreciate prayers for not only safety in getting back to the States on October 4, but would you please pray that the Lord will guard my heart as it gets increasingly more and more difficult in leaving Romania – this, the ‘other land that I love’.

A blessed Fall to you all.  May you see our Savior a-new, and fall even deeper in love with Him.