August, 2019

August, 2019

I feel so completely blessed to be here in ‘the other land that I love’ once again.  What a privilege that the Lord ‘assigned me this work to the ‘least of these’ – to ‘consider the helpless’ in His stead – in Jesus’ name.  Did you know that it has been nineteen years since I first set foot in Romania thinking that all the Lord wanted from me was a one-time missions trip?  He knew better than to show His whole plan for me knowing that this pathetic child would have totally freaked out!

I took my normal week to get through jet-lag, and then it was boots on the ground.  Back to Barza Mica where the kids hugged and hugged us until we nearly fell on the ground!  We truly had missed each other for the three months.

And then to Albina to see who was still with us.  Could hardly believe that Alin still lives and breathes – but am overjoyed!  We have a new baby, Adam.  Obviously he is physically and mentally challenged, but I haven’t been able to find out what-all are his problems.

At Albina, I had the privilege of meeting and talking with briefly the American ambassador to Romania, Hans Klemm.  What a gentleman!  He was with a group (from Romania) who are striving to break down the huge orphanages and have the babies/kids in Casa de Familia (small houses with only ten orphans each).

So, it has been a joy to love on those babies, feed them, sing to them and coo over them.  They are precious not only in HIS sight, but in mine too!   And at Barza, we have played all kinds of games, had our stories about Jesus, had some really yummie snacks, and have just loved being together again.

I’d ask for prayer in this ministry to have so much wisdom as I encounter new situations each week.  And, if you are not a part of this ministry in supporting it financially, that would be a good thing!  We need funds for food (all the time), meds (monthly) at both orphanages, and wood for the winter.  The kids at Barza need new clothes – some that have to be bought here in Romania.

If you would like to be a part of funding a van for Canaan, our church in the village of Halchiu . . .    this is such a need!!   Our pastor, Ovi, said that he so wants the van for church before he has a car.  We have people clamoring to come to church, but can’t with no way to get there.  Please pray and see if the Lord would use you in this way so that folks could sit under the Word – and some come to a personal salvation in our Jesus.

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”  – Philippians 2.4