July, 2019

July, 2019

Lord willing, I get to return to ‘the other land that I love’ July 6 for another three months.  As my kids at Barza Mica sit on the rock wall most of the day watching planes go overhead wondering if one is going to be the one to bring Mama Dawn back, I long even more to get back to them – and continue the ‘hands-on’  work the Lord assigned me in Romania . . .

What a wonderful time of ministry in Maine in June!  I was privileged to speak on Love From Above’s continued work in Romania at my home church, Woodland Baptist in Baileyville, at Bethel Chapel in Talmadge, and give an update at Princeton Baptist in Princeton.  I love these people – all of them!  But at Bethel I got to stand in front of fifteen mentally challenged young people sharing our Jesus’ love, with one of them having been born in Romania.  I felt as if I were looking at Luke 14.21 in real time – seeing God’s compassion firsthand.  (‘Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.’)

While I was in Maine, I was privileged, once again, to meet with a beautiful Canadian lady who had helped settle Romanian workers a few years back coming to St. Stephen, N.B. for work.  At eighty years-old, the compassion, and strength of this woman who ‘never stops’ inspired me, once again.  She is amazing!

Also, while in Washington County (Maine), the ministry was blessed with a carload of children and baby clothing.  Sadly, I had to leave some donated clothing behind for lack of room.

LFA is in need of prayer!  The past three months have been the most difficult ones I have experienced in all nineteen years of its ministry.  PLEASE pray for the Lord to intervene and give us a reprieve.  Please pray for me, personally.

LFA is in need of funds!  – as always for ministry expenses including shipping, OTC and prescription meds, to expand our work to two additional villages, and to finish the work on our church, Canaan, in Halchiu.

PLEASE pray for funds for our pastor, Ovi and his family a car.  It is unfathomable to me for a pastor to not have a car!

Please pray for funds for two vans for our church.  Our one and only van finally, after many years, became irreparable.  The need is great in order to pick up kids for Children’s Church on Saturday, folks for church on Sunday, and teens for their service on Sunday evening.  The Lord is our Jehovah-Jireh.  But, He does it through willing hearts and hands.

Lastly, I was beyond blessed to have our pastor, John Eger, the elders and several others pray over Love From Above and me, personally, at the end of FAC’s morning service – and then again, with the Senior High Youth Group Sunday evening.  I will miss these precious folks and teens while I’m in Romania.  So grateful to know, though, that they are such a blessed and supportive prayer support!

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’  – Acts 20.35