June, 2019

June, 2019

Just a word to thank all the pray-ers over the ministry.  Your prayers are the ‘glue’ that hold Love From Above (and me!) together.  Thank you to all who faithfully support LFA.  Without your giving, there would be no ministry in Romania to ‘the least of these’/’the helpless’ – our precious orphans – and the Gypsies whom the Lord has led me to minister to.

On a very sad note, eight of our ‘kids’ have been moved from Barza Mica (orphanage) to two other orphanages where, I may add, they will not fare well.  PLEASE pray for their safety – for the workers dark hearts to treat them humanely.  I had a really difficult time, in particular, with one particular one leaving, Claudiu.  I have known and loved this boy for nearly nineteen years.  Because of the government’s wanting the casa and property for their own selfish use (where Barza is), one of their other tactics in wrenching it from the director’s hands was to say they would only pay for forty-five orphans (hospitalization, etc.) – thus, the eight had to go.  Please pray for them.

I got a call this month, too, because of the same treatment of our orphans when they have to be hospitalized.  Because they are orphans AND Gypsies, they are often left alone by the doctors and nurses in the hospital to die.  Would you, please, pray with me that God will turn hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.  I have been told by many that that is impossible – to change the mentality of the Romanians towards these particular children/people.  I say, “But, God . . . !!”

Because of you, we are able to pay for the meds at the orphanages, monthly – and we have another really large shipment of clothing and supplies ready to go out.  Thirty-one boxes to be exact.  Thank you to those of you who realize the expense of shipping and contribute to that.  THANK you!!

Please pray, too, concerning our problems with Western Union.  It is imperative to transfer funds, but WU is making it a real problem.  We have been given a small piece of land – to rent! – in a German cemetery (in Halchiu) to bury people who ‘pass’ from our church, Canaan.  One of our ladies passed away fairly suddenly, and before she could be buried there, the law stated that we had to have a fence around our piece of rented land.  The fellows from our church worked day and night to get it in place – but I couldn’t get funds to Ovi (our pastor) via WU to pay for the fence.  Finally, had to send the funds to his sister and pray that that would go through.  Praise God at least we got it to him that way.

Pray, too, that the four-hundred dollars will be provided to pay taxes on our church property, monthly. 

I KNOW that He Who began this work in us will complete it!  – Philippians 1.6