August, 2023

August, 2023

– What joy to have arrived ‘safe and sound’ in July (however rigorous the trip was) back into the ‘other’ land that I love once again.  I never take God for granted – so I am rejoicing that He lets me serve Him here in the Transylvanian Alps one more time.

– Because of a political change in the Romanian government, the usual procedure for me has not gone as smoothly as previously.  New demands are being made of Volunteers and their translators!  It has taken two weeks for me to get all the paperwork completed, handed in, and I’m still not approved.  The government has added more hoops to jump through!  Ultimately, it is worth all the work to be able to see, and to love on ‘my’ ‘kids’ and ‘littles’.

– I only got to see the ‘littles’ once during July.  The director said that Corina and I could stay at Albina that one day, but couldn’t come back until all the paper work was completed.  However, we got to visit our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica several times.  The director there is more relaxed – and, has a deep respect for us.  The first time back with the ‘kids was pure JOY!!   We laughed, hugged, kissed, danced around, and basically were just beside ourselves to be together once again!  We have gotten ‘caught up’, read Bible stories, had some yummy snacks, and have played lots of games.  I have known some of these ‘kids’ for all 23 years!!

– My church, Canaan held a camp in the mountains the 3rd week of July.  I got to visit for a few hours one day – and was thrown back into the ‘electricity in the air’ of Living Waters in Maine where my boys went to camp.  What joy for these 50 kids, or so.  Chapels (morning and evening), great food, crafts, games and lots of sports!  For me, the most exciting part was watching our Great, Almighty God supply the needs for the whole week – from funds to workers.  After learning about our Jesus for the week, each child got to take a Bible home with them.  The larger percent of these campers were non-churched – had never even heard about Jesus.  I, truly, praise God for ALL He did – and for LFA to have just a little part in the week.

Paperwork is nearly completed in order for me to have my Romanian Citizenship Visa renewed.  It’s an expensive procedure, but so worth it in the long run.  And besides, it makes me feel ever so slightly a bit Romanian!  😊

Please pray over this very ‘dark’ country, Romania.  I have told people before that as much as America has left its Judeo-Christian foundation, it looks like a giant Sunday School by comparison.  Witnessing even more just since getting back in July has turned my stomach.  I have prayed every day for years for Noua (my area of Brasov) to come to Christ – for revival to break out in the very few Christians here, and for souls to get saved . . .   and then for the revival to spread to the rest of Romania, and ‘the uttermost parts of the world’.  Please pray with me!

“Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.”   – Colossians 3.17