October, 2016 – Light

I read this recently from a Ravi Zacharias writing – that for the Greeks, it was knowledge.  For the Romans, it was glory.  But for the Hebrews, it was light.  He used several verses including, “The people that sat in darkness have seen a great light.”  (Matthew 4:16), “There was the true light which coming into the world, enlightens every man.”  (John 1:9), and “For God Who said, ‘Light shall shine out of darkness’, is the One Who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”  (II Corinthians 4:6)

October, 2016

God has been so good to His ministry (Love From Above) in the past month – and has kept us so busy.  I arrived back in the States September 21 with my head just a-buzzing with what-all went on in September.  Because of your compassion for ‘the helpless’, ‘the least of these’, the Lord used us to –

September, 2016 – In Every Thing, Give Thanks

I heard this recently – ‘What if when you got up every morning, all you had was what you had thanked God for the day before?’  That really resonated in my mind and heart, because not only am I not nearly as thankful as I need to be, but often I even forget to thank my Heavenly Father for all that I have asked Him.   And not only that, but I often grumble over my circumstances and what I do have.   As I look around me in both Europe and the States, on the whole I see a less than thankful people.  So many seem to be dissatisfied with what they have, or their lot in life.

September, 2016

August was a very full month.  Besides loving and enjoying, singing and praying over our precious orphans, there were other things going on.

The Tompi’s, Robert and Alina and I traveled to his mother and sister’s village in Bahnea to minister once again.

August, 2016 – Lead Me to a Mountain

This is my birthday month!   I was blessed to have loving parents and many, many happy birthdays growing up.  We could always choose what we wanted for our birthday meal, and since I was born in the hot, dog-days of August, my favorite place to go to celebrate was to Musquash Lake for a cook-out.  It was just two or three miles from our humble little home in Codyville, ME, and getting to swim and splash in the cool lake was ‘the cherry on the (birthday) cake’.  ????

August, 2016

I have been in Brasov in my little flat on Str. Frasinului in Noua (section of Brasov) for a little over a month now.  It is ‘home’ to me – and with people whom I love – especially my precious orphans at Albina (Orphanage) and Barza Mica (Orphanage).   Sadly we ‘lost’ precious little Ionela at Albina.  I miss her terribly.  But if you had ever seen the condition of her life, you would rejoice with me that the Lord took her Home.

July, 2016

I am delighted to be writing this update from ‘the other land that I love’!   I left Boston June 23, and arrived in Brasov (Romania) on the evening of the 24th.  As usual, Ovi picked me up in Bucharest.  The two and one half hour ride is always one of great conversation, catching up on the past few months.  He had liters upon liters of water already for me in my flat, milk and butter in the fridge, and ‘tons’ of fresh veggies and fruits waiting for me.  He is such a blessing to Love From Above!

June, 2016 – Happy Father’s Day!

The Bible is full of examples of fathers.  Good ones, not so good ones, ones filled with wisdom, ones who ‘struggled’ with wisdom, and plenty of other types.  No matter who our father is (was) Ephesians 6.2 tells us to honor our father (and mother) – and it was also the first commandment with a promise.  It was easy to honor my father.  I was one who was blessed to have a ‘good one’ – and one who was filled with wisdom.

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