Category Archives: Sharing (page 11)

Sharing a ‘word from the Word’ with you.

April, 2016   –    Don’t Look the Other Way

In Deuteronomy 22, it says several times to not ignore your neighbors’ needs.  In the NASB, it uses the words, ‘pay no attention to them’.  And in the Message it says, ‘don’t look the other way’.  Oh, how many times we been tempted to make believe we didn’t see a need perhaps because we didn’t have the time to tend to it, or the money, or frankly, just didn’t care – and we looked the other way.

October, 2015 – The Lord is My Shepherd

Recently I heard Jill Briscoe tell a story whereby some children at a church in England long ago learned the first phrase of Psalm 23.  They were taught to hold up all their fingers on one hand, and to grab the end of each finger as they recited each word in the phrase – ‘the Lord is my Shepherd’.  However, when they came to the fourth word, ‘my’, they were to grab that whole finger tightly.  I recently taught this to my beautiful orphans at Barza Mica – except there are only four words in the Romanian language, “Domnul este Pastorul meu”.  

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