July, 2017
I am excited to be returning to ‘the other land that I love’ (Romania!) on July 6 – landing in Frankfurt, Germany on the 7th – and then, to Bucharest – and finally up into the Transylvanian Alps to Brasov. Lord willing, I will be hands-on in the work until the first week of October. I can hardly wait.
My beloved Ioana can no longer work shoulder-to-should translating for me and being such a big part of the ministry, but I am blessed to have Hoini Szasz minister with me this time. She is the sister of Tihi who built Love From Above’s website.
Joyous news! We are finally in our new church, Canaan in Halchiu! This is like a dream come true. It has been a long process in getting this church built but, on June 24, Children’s Church was held in our new building, and the following day, Sunday morning service. We are over joyed!! There is still work that needs to be done. I will find out more specifically what when I return, but I know for sure, that we need chairs. Ovi, I, the workers, the precious sisters and brothers in Christ and others are truly ‘praising God from Whom all blessings flow’! (See new pics on the website – www.lfaministries.org Click on ‘Projects’, and then, on ‘Halchiu’.)
More good news. Some ladies from the First Baptist Romanian Church of Atlanta (GA) are coming on board with wanting to ship clothing and raise money for LFA. I praise God for these women!
On the 24th of June, we held a large yard sale in Baileyville, Maine which raised nearly $1200.00 for the ministry. I am just beside myself. We have had so many expenses in the past few months that I was beginning to be concerned about funds. $1200.00 will buy our kids all their veggies (potatoes, carrots, onions and more) for the whole winter. Praise God!
I am delighted that my beautiful church, Faith Alliance in Attleboro has given me a larger room for my office and clothing-storage, combined. Thank you! I am just ‘tickled’ and so proud to become a member of this church with its wonderful outreaches both at home and abroad.
Thank you all for your loving support in so many ways!
“But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?” Romans 10.14