June, 2023

June, 2023

I miss my work and our ‘kids’ and babies in Romania more than you will ever know, but it has been good to be back in MA to get some rest, oversee the ministry on ‘this end’, re-connect with friends, enjoy my church and, most especially, spend a glorious long weekend in N. Myrtle Beach, SC with my three sons and their families (including six very GRANDkids!).

– About Albina – for a time at least, we will use the word ‘littles’ rather than babies because no babies are being sent to Albina.  There has been a casa built in a small city to encourage mothers to go there with their babies instead of just abandoning them at the hospital.

– Three new case have been built to house our babies/’littles’.  The EU wants absolutely no more large orphanages – and in the small houses, no more than ten will be in each casa.  That only accounts for thirty ‘littles’.  A few will be sent back to their ‘families’ who never wanted them in the first place, and what will become of the rest of them, I have no idea.

– The same process is going on with Barza Mica.  Love From Above is building/restoring 3 new places for our ‘kids’.  This transition (with all orphanages in Romania) needs to be completed by 2024.  Right now, there is a lot of confusion as there always is when a government is in control of children’s lives (any lives!).  I would ask that you please pray for our precious orphans – for God’s BEST for them!!  There is no regard for them from the government.  They are only doing, minimally, what the EU has demanded from them.

– LFA (you!) bought a brand new outfit and shoes for each of our ‘kids’ at Barza.  There will be pictures of this in my next Update.  If you do not receive an Update and would like to, just email me and I will love putting you on my list.     lvfrmabv@yahoo.com

– Corina goes to Albina once a week to visit our ‘littles’.  BLESS her!  She updates me concerning what is going on – and even sends me pictures each time.  She delivered the funds for meds to B. Mica for me in May, spent time loving on our ‘kids’, and also sent me pics.  I always shed some tears seeing pictures, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

– The pastors made another run to Ukraine in May to deliver goods, food, water, generators, OTC’s, rolls of plastic for bombed out windows, and so much more to such desperate ones whose lives have been destroyed by one evil leader.  They get to share ‘spiritual food’ with the Ukrainians, too – the Good News of our Jesus!

My deepest appreciation to all of you who make Love From Above Ministries happen in Romania!!  Do you realize the impact of your life on others who have ‘nothing’ by comparison.  THANK you more than you will ever know for your kind, loving and giving hearts.  Thank you for being ‘Jesus in skin’!!

The righteous considers the cause of the poor  – Proverbs 29.7