May, 2017
It has been a busy first month back in the States –
Thirty-nine year old Alina, who has non-Hodgkin’s’ lymphoma for the second time in her face endured days of painful stem-cell removal in preparation for cancer treatment. The doctors couldn’t find enough healthy stem cells to set aside and freeze, so Alina had to have a complete blood-transfusion. Her test results have been sent to a medical center in the States for a second opinion. As of this writing, there is no word from them. Please keep praying over this precious godly woman for God’s best for her and her family.
Please pray for dear old Ana who is in an abusive situation in her little hovel. A son regularly beats her for money for cigarettes and alcohol. Pray for a safe place for Ana!
Also, please pray over my Ioana. Since being sick last Fall, she has had a difficult time getting her immune system back up to par. Being in pre-med school and newly married, plus her church activities calls for her to feel her very best.
LFA was able to send money to Ovi to get tiles for the steps of our new church, Canaan. I get more and more excited as I see our church getting ready to be used for God’s glory.
We also sent a wonderful gift of money to Ovi to buy wood for our sisters and brothers in Christ in Hachiu. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow for First Baptist Church in Middleboro, MA providing not only warmth for these precious ones, but for making a fire to cook their meals. I love the ‘family of God’!
LFA shipped twenty-six boxes of clothing, shoes and supplies in April. They should arrive mid-June. People are so desperate especially in the villages, that our thanks go out to each of you who donate new and like-new clothing. LFA is also asking that perhaps a donation towards shipping could accompany what you so generously give in clothes. (THANK you!)
I had two speaking engagements in April – the two youth groups at Faith Alliance Church (my church) in Attleboro. I love these kids! Talk about energy! :) My theme was that God is already – has already been planning something wonderful for their lives. I left them with God’s words to Zerubbabel in Haggai 2.23 MSG – “I’ve looked over the field and chosen you for this work.” The Lord has chosen each of them for something in particular. Pray that they will seek His will and follow Him.
“But be sure to fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.” – I Samuel 12.24