February has never been my favorite month of the year. Actually, no winter month is a favorite of mine. But, in New England where I come from, February is notoriously known as ‘flu month’ and ‘storm/nor’easter/frigid-cold month’. That’s not a…
Continue reading the "February, 2020 – My Worst to Best Month" »
SO blessed to have been in GA with four of my grandchildren now for a couple of months. The ministry never stops, but Belle, Noah, Lily and Rowan have been a wonderful and much welcomed interruption nearly every day. Liam…
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In Philippians 3:12-16, the apostle Paul seems to be taking inventory of his life. As Christians, we need to stop periodically and measure our progress – to review our accomplishments in our personal life as well as our professional life. …
Continue reading the "January, 2020 – My New Year’s Prayer" »
A most Blessed and Happy New Year to you! I can hardly believe I am writing ‘2020’! I look forward to all that our most High CEO, CFO, CIO, COO (and more) has for Love From Above in the new…
Continue reading the "January, 2020" »
Christmas was a wonderful time while growing up. Because we lived deep in the country in Maine – actually, back woods-Maine, we did all those Norman Rockwell traditions. Daddy would go off into the woods to cut down the perfect…
Continue reading the "December, 2019 – Angels We Have Heard – on “Low”" »
God’s blessings were on us during the month of November, as always. Ovi (our pastor, Ovidiu Starlici) delivered the rest of the 5000kg of potatoes, 2000kg of onions, and 2000kg of carrots to Barza Mica. Praise God! However, I got…
Continue reading the "December, 2019" »
Several years ago, we had a very special Thanksgiving. It was the first time that my daughter-in-law and two future daughters-in-law would all be in our home sharing a wonderful Thanksgiving feast together. My sons were elated – each so…
Continue reading the "November, 2019 – Our God is a God of Second Chances" »
The trip is always long and grueling, but I am so very thankful to have made it back to the States from Romania without incident on October 4. The three months in RO was jam-packed with a lot of accomplishments,…
Continue reading the "November, 2019" »
I don’t know how many have noticed Love From Above’s theme verse from Psalm 41.1a. For several years, I did Gospel concerts under the name, Love From Above. I wanted something so much greater to eclipse my name – for…
Continue reading the "October, 2019 – “…considering the helpless…”" »
Have to start with a biggie!! We prayed all summer for a van to transport children to Children’s Church at Canaan on Saturday, folks to church Sunday morning, and teens to church on Sunday evening. With nothing short of a…
Continue reading the "October,2019" »