Category Archives: Sharing (page 7)

Sharing a ‘word from the Word’ with you.

September, 2019 – Love and Say it with Your Life

Paul, the apostle, had spoken to the Galatians in the early 50’s AD in chapter 3 – “O you foolish Galatians” . . .   They had at one time trusted Jesus Who had not left this earth all that long ago, and now Paul was chiding them that they no longer had the clarity of who the crucified Jesus was.  It was as though they had been bewitched, Paul said.  Truly they had lost their first love and certainly had no feasible capacity to let others see the surety of His ‘love with their lives’.

August, 2019 – Influence

August is the month of my birth.  Yup – I was an ‘August baby’.  Nearly every birthday after I was a grown up, my mother would tell me, ‘how I suffered with you’ (giving birth)!  I’m thinking that it was one of those terribly hot August dawg-days – and I’m sure with no air conditioning, it was brutal.  But really, Mum?!  She would say, though, that I was ‘awfully cute’.  I’ll take that.

June, 2019 – I Want to Age Like Sea Glass

Because of a series of overwhelming challenges this past month – and truly being too mentally exhausted to write something original, I have decided to include this writing by Bernadette Noll.  The subject of ‘sea glass’ is very near and dear to my heart.  I have a tall bottle of it right full from when my sons were young and we would spend the day on the rocks in Red Beach, Maine looking for the glass.  I cherish that bottle of glass.  It brings back such sweet and precious memories every time I look at it.  The writing below says everything I would want to say if I had ever thought to write an article on ‘sea glass’.  When I read it, I address it to my Creator – praising Him for fearfully and wonderfully making me – for smoothing (refining) me but not breaking me.

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