Update – March, 2025

Bye, bye, February!  It’s been a tough month with so many snowstorms here in Romania besides the brutal cold and icy-going under foot.  However, the Lord has blessed Love From Above – HIS ministry – and those to whom He has ‘assigned’ us.

LFA was able to visit our precious ‘kids’ at Barza Mica – love on them – and just have more fun with them than you could imagine.  They have loved their Bible stories, snacks, games, art projects, and more.  Tears, kisses and hugs ‘flowed’ my first time back.  If you would like to have a picture of ‘JOY’, it would be to see our ‘kids’ faces, read their hearts, hear their words and actions of appreciation, and see their expressions of love.  I thank God every day for ever choosing me to minister to these precious ones.

We have bought both orphanages their meds (as usual), and a new super-blender to make the ‘littles’ food – however, we have had only one brief visit with our ‘littles’ in the two new case that were built for them.  The State has made sure to put cameras at every turn in the case, and since Corina and I didn’t have the proper paperwork to be there we had to leave.

We went to the government office branch (CPA) that handles the certifications – and after walking for nearly two hours (from building to building in opposite parts of Brasov) in the freezing cold on treacherous icy footing, I filled out a form – and now, wait to hear from the director.  Please pray that no matter what her answer is that God will be glorified!

Two weeks ago, 3 pastors drove from here (Brasov) to Kharkiv in northern Ukraine dispersing 63 tons of food to over 3000 people.  More than half of this was provided by YOU – Love From Above!!   And to those 3000 people, the Gospel was given – four services a day for nearly a week.  I only wish you could grasp the significance of what-all you are doing!!  I thank God for you every day!  And I thank Him for choosing us to be His eyes and heart, hands and feet to those who are desperate – who are desperate enough since their churches have been bombed, to stand outside in sub-freezing weather!  We may be ministering to them, but they have SO much to teach us.

Oleg, Vasile and Vica’s lives are in peril every day in Ukraine, but praise God that as I write this, they are well and ministering to their people from sun-up to sun-down every day!!  Please pray over them  . . .  !

“If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.”   – Isaiah 58.10

Latest from Dawn

Updated on 2025-03-01T05:04:16+03:00, by LFA.

July, 2024

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