LFA archives (page 16)

November, 2018 – My Journey to Romania


  Part I

I remember being five years old and watching our church burn flat on the crossroads of Routes 1 and 6 in the backwoods of Maine.  An oil truck had stopped on the corner, and for whatever reason, exploded.  It was miraculous that no one, not even the driver was harmed, but our church was ablaze in seconds – gone.  I heard later that as devastating as it was to see this happen, that it probably was divine intervention from God.  The older men said that the church was so old that it was a real possibility that it could have collapsed on its own, and if it had happened on a Sunday, taken lives with it.  That was one of my earliest lessons in trusting God in all things.

November, 2018

I praise God for a safe and uneventful trip back to the States on October 10.  How difficult to leave our precious babies and ‘kids’, though!  Please pray over these cast-off ones for their angels to be so close to them, to protect them and shelter them from the cruelty of the orphanage workers.

October, 2018 – O Lord, Our Lord, How Majestic is Your Name!

In my study in the Psalms – I mean, a verse-by-verse study of the Psalms (it has been three months and I’m only up to chapter 20) – I have been impressed with how overwhelmingly impressed the Psalmist David was of God’s strength and might and power.  And how many times he refers to Him as his Rock.  When I think of all the rocks I have ever seen, there is a particularly unique one in Red Beach, Maine.  It is in an area where my boys (when they were young), and I referred to as ‘the Rocks’.  We loved going to this place, having a picnic and then climbing down the cliff to the shore which was completely covered with Rubik Cube-sized rocks.  No nice sandy beach at this place.  We walked those rocks all day, collecting ‘washed glass’ (beach glass) – looking for crabs, jellyfish and other sea fauna that had washed in with the tide.

October. 2018

Praising God that after 5 weeks of a serious sinus infection, natural meds that my beloved (now, Dr.) Ioana who worked with me for over six years, and all your prayers completely healed me.  (I love it that the Lord gave us natural products of the earth to keep our health in tow.)

September, 2018

“For the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever.”  – Psalm 9.18

In spite of a month-long sinus infection, and on-going problems with the Romanian government, there was much to rejoice over, and give the Lord ‘thanks with all my heart’ for in the month of August!  Once again, it was great joy for LFA to be able to give Pastor Ovi his financial support.  Please – if any of you who are not already giving a monthly support for Ovi and his family, it would be deeply appreciated . . . !

August, 2018 – Just Being Real

The following is taken from a page in my journal – July 24, 2018, to be exact:

“Struggling, Lord!  REALLY struggling!!  I’ve seen the plaques/signs at various shops saying – “I can’t do adult today.”  Well, Lord – went through most of my morning saying – “I can’t do ‘Christian’ today; I can’t do ‘life’ today!”  I feel as though my life is being choked out of me.  I feel as though I am held down on my back with hands around my neck trying to choke me to death spiritually and emotionally.  I sense the ‘enemy’ Heimlich maneuvering me until he squeezes every bit of life – every bit of the Holy Spirit out of me – spewed out on the ground.”

August, 2018

So thankful to the Lord to have arrived here in Romania July 12.  It was not without some difficulty.  Just a few short hours before leaving my home in Norton, MA, Air France let me know that my flight had been cancelled.  I love flying, but this is one of the reasons I don’t like traveling!  These incidents don’t concern just me, but other people I have to ‘put out’.  The one who takes me to Logan Airport, and the one who picks me up in Bucharest.  Within a couple of hours, I was contacted again to say that I would be flying that evening – at 11:00p on British Airways.  In my scurrying to finish last minute packing, I neglected to include some things in my luggage that I really wanted.  Notice I said ‘wanted’, not ‘needed’.  I have managed fine in my little flat in Brasov .

July, 2018 – Feed Me Till I Want No More

Remember the words ‘feed me till I want no more’ from the old hymn, Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah?  Even though I haven’t heard that hymn in years, it has been playing and playing through my head this morning!  So, as I was thinking of returning to my beloved Romania, the reality of my not receiving the ‘feeding’ in the very ‘dark’ culture of Romania that I do in the States reminded me of the steps I have to take to protect myself, spiritually.

July, 2018

The anticipation is great in leaving once again for my beloved Romania on July 11.  And our kids at Barza Mica are equally as excited for my return.  They don’t know the months, etc., but they do know that when it gets warm, it’s time for me to return.  They even sit on a little rock wall outside the orphanage watching the planes go overhead and wonder if ‘that’ will be the plane that brings Mama Dawn . . .

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