Just a few updates and how the Lord blessed during the month of December. First of all, I mentioned last month that if all went well, the doors and windows would be installed in Canaan, our church for the Gypsies. It is with great joy that I can tell you that they have all been installed successfully, and without any problems. If you want to see pictures of them, go to ‘Projects’ and then click on Halchiu. I am more excited than you can imagine! We have so much for which to give our God glory. HE is the Master Builder of this precious little church.
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When my very precocious and oldest son, Geoff was not quite 3 years-old, I decided that he could understand the ‘true meaning of Christmas’. I began by telling him ‘what if at his third birthday party everyone brought gifts with great hoopla for each other, but no one brought him a gift?’ Scowling deeply, he said, “I wouldn’t like that!”
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The past month has been busy and productive for LFA. We shipped nearly 400 pounds of warm winter clothing and shoes to Barza Mica (orphanage), and the two villages, Halchiu and Bahnea.
We were able to send money to help a young mother who has just contracted Hepatitis B get the meds she needs. It will not only cover her, but also her unborn baby, and provide the vaccine for her husband who is Ovi’s right-hand man at Canaan, and their little 5 year-old boy. Please pray over these precious folks.
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November is the month when we think, perhaps more than other times of the year, just how much we have to be thankful for. With this all culminating on Thanksgiving Day, we love spending time with family, friends and way…
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In the three-plus weeks I have been back in the States, God has been faithfully moving in the ministry. The roof is completed on Canaan, the church in Halchiu! Praise God! And, last month I said that we had ordered the doors and windows for Canaan on faith. Well, a church that has had long-term interest in helping to build this church for the Roma/Gypsies has provided not only enough funds for the doors and windows, but also to begin work on the interior. I am absolutely rejoicing! Can you hear my heart ‘singing’?!
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Recently I heard Jill Briscoe tell a story whereby some children at a church in England long ago learned the first phrase of Psalm 23. They were taught to hold up all their fingers on one hand, and to grab the end of each finger as they recited each word in the phrase – ‘the Lord is my Shepherd’. However, when they came to the fourth word, ‘my’, they were to grab that whole finger tightly. I recently taught this to my beautiful orphans at Barza Mica – except there are only four words in the Romanian language, “Domnul este Pastorul meu”.
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I went for a walk a little after 6:00 this morning back here in Norton (MA), shed some tears thinking of the beautiful snow-capped Carpathian Mts. (Transylvanian Alps) that I had left behind, and my babies and ‘kids’, and dear friends . . . But mostly, I thanked the Lord for all that He had done for us – for our precious ones, the past 3 months in ‘the other land that I love’. God is good! All the time!
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