once released its annual predictions of the types of resolutions people are expected to make in the New Year. They are broken down as follows: – 22% of resolutions involve health and fitness – 18% career – 15% personal…
Continue reading the "January, 2023 – A Blessed and Happy New Year to You!" »
I trust that you all had a most Blessed and Merry Christmas. The angels rejoiced at the announcement of our Jesus’ birth. I know that we rejoice, too, not just once a year, but all through the year that God…
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When I was a child growing up in Maine, our church was diagonally across from our house, sitting on a hilltop. Every Sunday morning, the church’s bell would begin to peal calling us to Sunday School – and then to…
Continue reading the "December, 2022 – I Love the Bells" »
I’m back in the States – Norton, MA to be exact. Oh, how difficult it was to leave my precious babies at Albina, and ‘kids’ at Barza Mica. The little ones at Albina love having Corina and me with them…
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Our hearts and minds seem to be always turned to ‘thankfulness’ during this month. Not that it’s the only time that we are thankful, but with such a wonderful family holiday, the ‘spirit of thanksgiving’ pervades. We love sitting around…
Continue reading the "November, 2022 – Thankful – for Chastisement?" »
October was a busy month! Thanks to you (and most of all to our Almighty God), we are using the ‘outdoor’ kitchen at Barza Mica. It needs some finishing touches, but is totally operational. This kitchen makes it safer for…
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I had returned from Romania to Massachusetts just a few days before and happened to be home all by myself one October evening. Sitting at my kitchen table, I had my Bible open and was meditating on John 15.15 –…
Continue reading the "October, 2022 – Loving Jesus for All I’m Worth" »
So many blessings in September: – LFA was blessed once again to be able to send two vans full of food, goods, and supplies deep into Ukraine. So many there are huddled in their basements for protection and literally, starving…
Continue reading the "October, 2022" »
There is a well-known female speaker whom I love. Usually, I am completely disinterested in Christian Women Speakers. It seems all too often that the depth of their subject matter is desperately shallow – and when I am wanting some…
Continue reading the "September, 2022 – Two Very Different Perspectives" »
I can hardly believe that August is over. I love August! It speaks ‘summer’ to me! It was, however, a different few weeks. I had a (mild) UTI, four ocular migraines, a sinus infection, and bronchitis – all within the…
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