February, 2017

I wish I had more information to give you concerning Barza Mica.  Unfortunately, I have no new news from the director.  Will the State take the orphanage away from these young people (my kids) whom I have loved for 16 years?  Will God change the government’s ‘hearts of stone into hearts of flesh’ to have compassion on ‘the fatherless’, ‘the least of these’?  I’ll have to wait until I return to Romania this month to find out.  Please just keep this horrific treatment of ‘our kids’ in prayer!

January, 2017

I wish I had better news for you this month concerning Barza Mica.  The inspections did not bode well for the orphanage.  In what we believe is the government’s motivation to gain the orphanage building for themselves, two weeks ago they demanded truly ridiculous proposals for Barza.  In order for the building to pass inspection, last summer they began demanding an overhaul of the physical structure.  Thinking that that could never be accomplished, we were able to do that.  The director was told that if she didn’t leave, her salary would be cut.  They cut it – and she didn’t leave.  This woman is dedicated to our precious orphans.  They also said they would cut the workers’ salaries.  They did – but the workers didn’t leave.

December, 2016

November was a busy, productive and wonderful month for the ministry.  I wish I had more information to give you concerning the status of Barza Mica (orphanage for ‘my’ big ‘kids’), but the Romanian Government inspection won’t happen until this month.

November, 2016

The ministry is always moving forward.  The Lord’s hand was at work in October in wonderful ways.

Because of your generous giving, we were able to buy enough underwear for all the ‘kids’ at Barza Mica.  Rhonda and I went shopping for this government-required clothing when I returned to the States.  They were sent through the USPS for them to arrive at the orphanage before the government inspection.

October, 2016

God has been so good to His ministry (Love From Above) in the past month – and has kept us so busy.  I arrived back in the States September 21 with my head just a-buzzing with what-all went on in September.  Because of your compassion for ‘the helpless’, ‘the least of these’, the Lord used us to –

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