I read this information recently from one, Sir John Glubb, (1897-1986) the British diplomat who studied four-thousand years of human history and who found that there was a pattern to the decline of great nations. He said that the last…
Continue reading the "July, 2020 – America! Will We Always Be Great?" »
Little has changed from last month. That’s what a pandemic can do to a world. We are still sending funds to our precious orphans at Barza Mica for food and meds – and funds to Ovi for our folks at…
Continue reading the "July, 2020" »
When I look at my precious orphans in Romania, sometimes I wonder ‘who did she get those beautiful eyes from – her mother or her father?’ Or I look at a little one with his ears sticking out and wonder…
Continue reading the "June, 2020 – My Spiritual DNA" »
Just a brief update for the month of May. The situation is pretty much the same in Romania with COVID19. Very few businesses have opened. Churches are not allowed to open yet, though. Our pastor, Ovidiu Starlici has been holding…
Continue reading the "June, 2020" »
Several years ago there was a wonderful man in our church and when we learned that he had Stage Four cancer at only 48 years old, we were all deeply saddened and shocked. One day for no particular reason, or…
Continue reading the "May, 2020 – Coincidence?" »
First of all, I pray for the loving and healing hand of our Great Physician to rest on you all in this challenging time in our country during the COVID19 pandemic. Secondly, please know that Love From Above’s work does…
Continue reading the "May, 2020" »
I am amazed, disappointed and definitely bewildered as to how the mainstream, and at one time, evangelical church in America has moved so far from the teaching of the Scripture. Where the idea – the meme – or from whom…
Continue reading the "April, 2020 – What Was Up With Jesus?" »
As you know, I’m sure, this is a very difficult ‘Update’ to write. We know that every morning we get up and put our feet on the floor, we never know what the day is going to bring. We could…
Continue reading the "April, 2020" »
When I ‘winter’ for a couple of months in Georgia where my oldest and my youngest sons and their families live, I rent an apartment in a ‘gated’ apartment complex. It sounds fancy – and safe, but it is really…
Continue reading the "March, 2020 – This Is it? – This Is It?!!" »
– It was a long, confusing, and tiring trip involving, unexpectedly, three different airlines to reach Romania from Atlanta, but I so praise my Lord God, the Almighty for delivering me safely. – As usual my first week was spent…
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