‘They’ say nowadays that there are almost as many weddings in the month of October as there are in June. However, I think that in most of our minds, we still think of June as being the ‘wedding-month’. The thing…
Continue reading the "June, 2023 – ‘Tis the Season! – for Weddings" »
I miss my work and our ‘kids’ and babies in Romania more than you will ever know, but it has been good to be back in MA to get some rest, oversee the ministry on ‘this end’, re-connect with friends,…
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They say to write what you know about. Well, this is a subject that I really know about! When I was in high school, I injured my right knee. The pain was so bad I thought I wasn’t going to…
Continue reading the "May, 2023 – I’ve Got a Limp" »
– By the time this is read, I will, Lord willing, be back in Massachusetts. It is always difficult for me to leave my beloved Romania – the ‘other land that I love’ – and especially ‘my’ ‘littles’ and ‘kids’!…
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I wonder sometimes about those who are so preoccupied with day to day life, their future, their kids, their jobs, friendships and just where it is they belong in their journey of life. I have met those, though, who are…
Continue reading the "April, 2023 – Had They Known…" »
First of all, the team of four pastors including Ovi who went deep into Ukraine – within 8km of the border of Russia to deliver food, water, goods, generators, rolls of plastic to cover bombed out windows and so much…
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A famous comedienne once said, “I’ve been rich, and I’ve been poor. I like being rich better”. For me it’s, “I’ve been healthy, and I’ve not been healthy. I like being healthy more!” We can always make some really unwise…
Continue reading the "March, 2023 – “Trials’ Results: Beauty”" »
– It was a roller coaster ride during the month of February back in Romania. Snow, snow and more snow greeted me with sub-freezing temperatures and sometimes, sub-zero weather. – During the week of February 12, we had four earthquakes…
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‘And some people brought a man who was blind to Jesus and begged Him to touch him.’ – Mark 8.22 ‘Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out with His hand and touched him (the leper),’ – Mark 1.41 (Jairus, a synagogue…
Continue reading the "February, 2023 – God’s Healing Touch" »
– I am so happy to report that Corina has been able to visit our precious ‘babies’ at Albina once a week, at least, since I had to leave Romania. Also, she has delivered the funds (transferred to Ovi’s account…
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