As a scientist, John, I know that you know infinitely more than I ever will (or could) about science and God ‘matching up’. I’ll never forget the message you gave at our church years ago in doing exactly that. I…
Continue reading the "November, 2023 – An Open Letter to a Scientist Friend" »
I praise God for ‘Summer-bonus’ days in October. I have been in RO when it snowed at the end of August! And it snows often in October. Our climate is much like New England’s where the saying is, “If you…
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Several years ago, I used to visit terribly poor Gypsy-peasant homes in Romania. These ‘homes’ would have been condemned in America. The two-room houses (sometimes only one room) for a family of four to ten were beyond filthy, sparsely furnished,…
Continue reading the "October, 2023 – And Then… JESUS Happened!" »
Never ready to ‘release’ summer, I am so thankful to God for giving us bonus ‘summer’ days! I am never quite ready for the Fall season as beautiful as it is simply because of what follows . . . We…
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Scripture tells us that as followers of Christ we are to be like Him, look like Him, and yes, even smell like Him. To ‘be’ like Him, in Leviticus 11.44 we read, “For I am the Lord your God .…
Continue reading the "September, 2023 – The Eyes of Jesus" »
– I feel so blessed to be our Jesus’ eyes and heart, hands and feet in this, the ‘other’ land that I love. However, Romania seems to have been hurtled into very troubling times. The government is gaining more control…
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Once again, just like that, it’s August. WHERE did a whole year go – and so terribly quickly?! I have much to be thankful for in the past year. God has been so good (yup! – all the time –…
Continue reading the "August, 2023 – August, My Birthday Month" »
– What joy to have arrived ‘safe and sound’ in July (however rigorous the trip was) back into the ‘other’ land that I love once again. I never take God for granted – so I am rejoicing that He lets…
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Every year as we celebrate the 4th of July, my heart and mind are drawn to how grateful I am for America. I say often, “Thank you, Lord, for my having been born and bred in this huge, beyond beautiful…
Continue reading the "July,2023 – God Bless America, Land That I Love (and the ‘other land that I love…)" »
– I will leave for the ‘other’ land that I love on July 10. I can hardly wait to get back to our ‘littles’ and our ‘kids’! I expect some changes as I return. Little Iulian (from Albina) has been…
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