August, 2022
– I absolutely praise God that despite a difficult trip, He carried me back safely one more time to ‘the other land that I love’. (Thank You, Lord!!) As usual, Ovi and I had great conversation on the nearly 3-hour…
Latest from Dawn.
– I absolutely praise God that despite a difficult trip, He carried me back safely one more time to ‘the other land that I love’. (Thank You, Lord!!) As usual, Ovi and I had great conversation on the nearly 3-hour…
First of all, thank you for your continued loving and faithful support, both prayerfully and financially, of Love From Above. We make quite a team. We are still taking care of our precious orphans – supporting Ovi, monthly – shipping…
SO much to praise our Almighty God for this past month! Thanks to you, the ministry has been able to continue to provide meds and food for our two orphanages that we look after (Albina and Barza Mica). Also, we…
– Love From Above has continued to provide our babies at Albina (orphanage) with their meds – has continued to provide our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica with meds and food. Please remember that serving the orphans was my first ‘calling/assignment’…
What a blessed, confusing, wonderful, difficult time in Romania for six weeks (February and March). The Lord had much for me to do and experience. It was a time of limping, physically and emotionally through ‘the other land that I…
February was filled with days of blessings with our precious babies at Albina – and our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica. It has been JOY to hold and love, sing to and feed these little ones. We have a couple of…
GREAT news!! Lord willing, I leave for my beloved Romania on February 2. I can hardly wait!! This will be a quick trip – just six weeks. I would truly appreciate prayer for everything to go well with the airports…
So many wonderful things went on in December, 2021! In the Fall, Ovi had been denied taking a Christmas celebration (true meaning of Christmas, small gifts, and goodies) into the public schools – or even holding a Christmas program in…
The Updates are beginning to sound like a ‘broken record’. There are still, many, many deaths from covid in Romania from people who are very afraid to take the vaccine – even medical personnel. Our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica were…
I am writing this from my home in Norton, MA. I arrived back in the States on October 4 – almost in one piece. I did significant injury to my right knee while disembarking the plane in Frankfurt. It was…