Paul, the apostle, had spoken to the Galatians in the early 50’s AD in chapter 3 – “O you foolish Galatians” . . . They had at one time trusted Jesus Who had not left this earth all that long ago, and now Paul was chiding them that they no longer had the clarity of who the crucified Jesus was. It was as though they had been bewitched, Paul said. Truly they had lost their first love and certainly had no feasible capacity to let others see the surety of His ‘love with their lives’.
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August! Such a hot month in Romania! Day after day after day in the high 90’s. Activities had to be planned around the intense heat especially for our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica. We have a sweet new girl at Barza, Cristiana. She is 19, mentally and emotionally challenged, but ever so sweet! Because she has spent some time in school, she really prides herself in being able to speak some short American phrases – especially ‘I ‘lov’ you, Mama Dawn’.
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August is the month of my birth. Yup – I was an ‘August baby’. Nearly every birthday after I was a grown up, my mother would tell me, ‘how I suffered with you’ (giving birth)! I’m thinking that it was one of those terribly hot August dawg-days – and I’m sure with no air conditioning, it was brutal. But really, Mum?! She would say, though, that I was ‘awfully cute’. I’ll take that.
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I feel so completely blessed to be here in ‘the other land that I love’ once again. What a privilege that the Lord ‘assigned me this work to the ‘least of these’ – to ‘consider the helpless’ in His stead – in Jesus’ name. Did you know that it has been nineteen years since I first set foot in Romania thinking that all the Lord wanted from me was a one-time missions trip? He knew better than to show His whole plan for me knowing that this pathetic child would have totally freaked out!
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God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
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Lord willing, I get to return to ‘the other land that I love’ July 6 for another three months. As my kids at Barza Mica sit on the rock wall most of the day watching planes go overhead wondering if one is going to be the one to bring Mama Dawn back, I long even more to get back to them – and continue the ‘hands-on’ work the Lord assigned me in Romania . . .
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Because of a series of overwhelming challenges this past month – and truly being too mentally exhausted to write something original, I have decided to include this writing by Bernadette Noll. The subject of ‘sea glass’ is very near and dear to my heart. I have a tall bottle of it right full from when my sons were young and we would spend the day on the rocks in Red Beach, Maine looking for the glass. I cherish that bottle of glass. It brings back such sweet and precious memories every time I look at it. The writing below says everything I would want to say if I had ever thought to write an article on ‘sea glass’. When I read it, I address it to my Creator – praising Him for fearfully and wonderfully making me – for smoothing (refining) me but not breaking me.
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Just a word to thank all the pray-ers over the ministry. Your prayers are the ‘glue’ that hold Love From Above (and me!) together. Thank you to all who faithfully support LFA. Without your giving, there would be no ministry in Romania to ‘the least of these’/’the helpless’ – our precious orphans – and the Gypsies whom the Lord has led me to minister to.
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‘For My people have forgotten Me, they burn incense to worthless gods and they have stumbled from their ways, from the ancient paths, to walk in bypaths, not on a highway, Like an east wind I will scatter them before the enemy; I will show them My back and not My face in the day of their calamity.’ – Jeremiah 18:15,17
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I am so very grateful to the Lord to have had another uneventful trip back to the States on April 3 from my beloved Romania. As a matter of fact, the plane from the Netherlands to Boston was nearly empty. The few of us could spread out wherever we wanted to. I could get spoiled if that happened too often!
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