Category Archives: Updates (page 8)

Latest from Dawn.

March, 2019

I am so grateful to have landed in Bucharest via Atlanta and Paris on February 5 safe and sound.  The trip is grueling, at best – but when it is uneventful, I feel so blessed.  It’s wonderful to be back in my home (my little flat in Brasov)!  I took the first week to get through jet-lag, and then was right back at Barza Mica as if I’d never been away.

February, 2019

Loved meeting up with friends in Northern Georgia in January!  John and Linda Goetz drove from N. Carolina to visit, and to bring boxes of beautiful warm clothing to be shipped out by a Romanian company in the Suwanee (GA) area.  John is on Love From Above’s Board – and both he and Linda are precious long-term friends.  They, truly, live to serve others.

January, 2019

I trust that you all had a wonderful Christmas!  A Christmas full of the celebration of Christ, the Savior.  It seems as though I barely had time to get used to writing 2018, and here it is 2019, already!  The last month of 2018 was productive for our Lord’s work through Love From Above in Romania.

December, 2018

“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.”  – Proverbs 18.16

Love From Above continued with the purchase of prescription and OTC meds in November for our babies and ‘kids’.  We also bought a door for a building we are renovating on the same property as Barza Mica.  This building will be used for storage, and a place for our ‘kids’ to go while we do our crafts, stories, music, etc.  The workers at Barza have been hard at work repairing the building, including a partial new roof.

November, 2018

I praise God for a safe and uneventful trip back to the States on October 10.  How difficult to leave our precious babies and ‘kids’, though!  Please pray over these cast-off ones for their angels to be so close to them, to protect them and shelter them from the cruelty of the orphanage workers.

October. 2018

Praising God that after 5 weeks of a serious sinus infection, natural meds that my beloved (now, Dr.) Ioana who worked with me for over six years, and all your prayers completely healed me.  (I love it that the Lord gave us natural products of the earth to keep our health in tow.)

September, 2018

“For the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever.”  – Psalm 9.18

In spite of a month-long sinus infection, and on-going problems with the Romanian government, there was much to rejoice over, and give the Lord ‘thanks with all my heart’ for in the month of August!  Once again, it was great joy for LFA to be able to give Pastor Ovi his financial support.  Please – if any of you who are not already giving a monthly support for Ovi and his family, it would be deeply appreciated . . . !

August, 2018

So thankful to the Lord to have arrived here in Romania July 12.  It was not without some difficulty.  Just a few short hours before leaving my home in Norton, MA, Air France let me know that my flight had been cancelled.  I love flying, but this is one of the reasons I don’t like traveling!  These incidents don’t concern just me, but other people I have to ‘put out’.  The one who takes me to Logan Airport, and the one who picks me up in Bucharest.  Within a couple of hours, I was contacted again to say that I would be flying that evening – at 11:00p on British Airways.  In my scurrying to finish last minute packing, I neglected to include some things in my luggage that I really wanted.  Notice I said ‘wanted’, not ‘needed’.  I have managed fine in my little flat in Brasov .

July, 2018

The anticipation is great in leaving once again for my beloved Romania on July 11.  And our kids at Barza Mica are equally as excited for my return.  They don’t know the months, etc., but they do know that when it gets warm, it’s time for me to return.  They even sit on a little rock wall outside the orphanage watching the planes go overhead and wonder if ‘that’ will be the plane that brings Mama Dawn . . .

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