Category Archives: Updates (page 6)

Latest from Dawn.

September, 2020

Our world is still upside-down, inside-out, or as my Dad used to say when something in his workshop just wasn’t fitting together right, “ee-yaw”.  Well our world’s new ‘abnormal’ is very ‘ee-yaw’! The European Union has closed their borders to…

June, 2020

Just a brief update for the month of May.  The situation is pretty much the same in Romania with COVID19.  Very few businesses have opened.  Churches are not allowed to open yet, though.  Our pastor, Ovidiu Starlici has been holding…

May, 2020

First of all, I pray for the loving and healing hand of our Great Physician to rest on you all in this challenging time in our country during the COVID19 pandemic. Secondly, please know that Love From Above’s work does…

March, 2020

– It was a long, confusing, and tiring trip involving, unexpectedly, three different airlines to reach Romania from Atlanta, but I so praise my Lord God, the Almighty for delivering me safely. – As usual my first week was spent…

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